St James Village Orchard Logo

St James Village Orchard

Welcome to our Orchard

At the western edge of the small Suffolk village of St James South Elmham is a triangular shaped field of about one acre, bounded on two sides by Metfield Road and Common Road and known as the Greshaw Green Enclosure. The St James Village Orchard Project has transformed the enclosure into a flourishing community orchard.

The Orchard Team is pleased to welcome you to the St James Village Orchard website. We are using this website to share our experience in creating the orchard, provide a continuing source of information about what can be found there and to share material that we needed or produced along the way with others who have similar ambitions.

Here you will find, among other things:


We acknowledge all the help the project has had from the people of St James South Elmham and from our suppliers, sponsors and supporters (individuals and organisations) without whose enthusiastic encouragement, assistance and financial help the orchard would never have been built. More information about these contacts and links to their web-sites can be found on our Thank You page or the Contacts page.

Unless a tree has borne blossoms in spring, you will vainly look for fruit on it in autumn.   (Sir Walter Scott)