St James Village Orchard Logo

St James Village Orchard

Hardware & Maintenance Photo Album

To view the full size photos in the Hardware & Maintenance Album just click on a thumbnail below. You can then click through the whole album by clicking on the righthand side of the big image. You can click left to return to a previous image. Click the Close X link (bottom right) to return to this page from the slideshow.

gallery image 19
New gate posts
gallery image 20
Erecting the new orchard sign
gallery image 71
Orchard sign fully installed
gallery image 114
Orchard entrance
gallery image 96
Installing the owl box I
gallery image 97
Installing the owl box II
gallery image 98
Installing the owl box III
gallery image 99
Installing the owl box IV
gallery image 100
Installing the owl box V
gallery image 101
The owl box
gallery image 86
Bench with cushion
gallery image 89
Main benches
gallery image 87
Tree tags
gallery image 115
Hut Maintenance
gallery image 116
Maturing trees
gallery image 117
Views from the roof - I
gallery image 118
Views from the roof - II
gallery image 119
Views from the roof - III
The branch bearing the most fruit bends itself thankfully towards the ground.   (Anon.)