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St James Village Orchard

Orchard Celebration 18 July 2010 Photo Album

To view the full size photos in the Orchard Celebration 18 July 2010 Album just click on a thumbnail below. You can then click through the whole album by clicking on the righthand side of the big image. You can click left to return to a previous image. Click the Close X link (bottom right) to return to this page from the slideshow.

gallery image 15
Celebration invitation (front)
gallery image 16
Celebration invitation (back)
gallery image 53
Celebration Day
gallery image 54
A Fine Crowd
gallery image 37
Drinks tent and supply wagon
gallery image 58
Celebration in full swing
gallery image 38
Cool delivery
gallery image 39
Orchard supporters
gallery image 40
Deep in the wild flowers
gallery image 41
gallery image 42
Gentle orchard music
gallery image 44
Solo spot
gallery image 43
Walkways and clearing
gallery image 45
There's something in there...
gallery image 56
Tractor lessons...
gallery image 47
Both hands on the wheel
gallery image 48
A good time was had
Every cottage garden has its own miniature orchard: a dozen trees set out in two rows with the lower trunks whitewashed like bobby-socks to keep the insects at bay.   (Roger Deakin writing about Ukraine)