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St James Village Orchard

Plants, Animals & Birds Photo Album

To view the full size photos in the Plants, Animals & Birds Album just click on a thumbnail below. You can then click through the whole album by clicking on the righthand side of the big image. You can click left to return to a previous image. Click the Close X link (bottom right) to return to this page from the slideshow.

gallery image 70
Wasp nest
gallery image 95
gallery image 165
Kestrel chick 1
gallery image 166
Kestrel chick 2
gallery image 167
Kestrel chick 3
Gather William pears, or Williams's pears, to be didactic, as they are named after a Mr Williams who was the first person to distribute Bon Chretien pears in England. They are the palest gold with rough dark freckling, and delicious beyond words.   (Ronald Blythe)