
St James Village Orchard

Details of the Tree at Grid Ref D4

Tree Details   
Grid Ref
Tree Type Apple
Variety Howgate Wonder
Rootstock MM106
Date Planted 01 November 2019
Tree Description One of the largest cooking apples in cultivation, and one time holding the Guinness Book of Records (1997) for the weight of a single apple, this is a real beauty. Raised on the Isle of Wight in 1915 by G. Wratten at Howgate Lane, Bembridge, this is a cross between Newton Wonder and Blenheim Orange. A flattish apple, pale yellow-green with conspicuous red and orange striping, the flesh is firm, juicy and quite sweet when ripe and cooks well. This is a heavy and reliable cropper.
Orchard Map
A man is old when he can pass an apple orchard and not remember the stomachache.   (James Russell Lowell)