
St James Village Orchard

Details of the Tree at Grid Ref E2

Tree Details   
Grid Ref
Tree Type Apple
Variety Adam's Pearmain
Rootstock MM106
Date Planted 15 March 2010
Tree Description A small conical gold and yellow apple, of good quality sharp but sweet, adaptable and hardy, prolific when established though sometimes biennial. Upright growth. A new year dessert apple. Ripening in December or early January, keeping till February or early March.
Comments Suggested by RP. Popular in Victorian times. Probably from Norfolk or Herefordshire. Lawrence D. Hills' high Vitamin C group, 16.30Mg. Vitamin C per 100 grams.
Orchard Map
If apples bloom in March In vain for them you'll search; If apples bloom in April Why then they'll be plentiful; If apples bloom in May You may eat them night and day   (Traditional)