
St James Village Orchard

Details of the Tree at Grid Ref E3

Tree Details   
Grid Ref
Tree Type Apple
Variety Kidd's Orange Red
Rootstock M25
Date Planted 23 January 2011
Tree Description A Cox seedling. Pinky crimson flush, some darker stripes over pale yellow gold; fine russet dots. Rich balance of sugar, acidity and strongly aromatic. A midwinter dessert apple.
Comments Fruiting well elsewhere in St. James (RP & CS).

Grafted in situ.
Orchard Map
The greatest apple experience of my life was a Queen Cox apple: when we bit into it we knew we were eating something extraordinary: its perfume, the balance of sweet and acid, the juice, the texture. My God, it was simply divine.   (Raymond Blanc, Le Manoir aux Quatre Saisons)