
St James Village Orchard

Details of the Tree at Grid Ref L2

Tree Details   
Grid Ref
Tree Type Apple
Variety Reverend Wilks
Rootstock M25
Date Planted 23 January 2011
Tree Description A large creamy-white apple, tender and cooking to a pale yellow froth. Excellent for baking, hardly needs sugar. Crops heavily, but often biennial. A small tree with short shoots. Disease resistant. A summer and autumn cooking apple.
Comments Chosen by JH. Following enthusiastic advice from a friend a few years ago JH planted a Reverend Wilks in his garden. It cropped well, and when cooked was delicious in all apple dishes. The friend had said that it was different to any other cooking apple.

Grafted in situ.
Orchard Map
Among sweet dews and flowers; where any row of fruit-trees over-woody reach'd too far their pampered boughs, and needed hands to check fruitless embraces   (John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book V 213)