
St James Village Orchard

Details of the Tree at Grid Ref T1

Tree Details   
Grid Ref

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Tree Type Medlar
Variety Nottingham
Rootstock Hawthorn
Date Planted 15 March 2010
Tree Description The Medlar 'Nottingham' is slow and graceful in growth, with white flowers in June and handsome golden-russet fruit in autumn. Prolific, cropping well on three year old trees.
Comments The flesh is very sweet and can be scooped out from the centre of the fruit with a spoon. The fruit needs to be bletted before eating.
Orchard Map
If you gather not by hand (which is Tedious) Lay a truss of straw beneath the Tree and over that a blanket, discretely shaking them down, not to many at a time   (Cook, The Making of Cider 1678)