St James Village Orchard Logo

St James Village Orchard

Notes from the Orchard

We keep occasional notes of orchard news, activities, sightings and events. You can look at these as a whole or choose particular topics.
If you want to comment to us about any of them please use the email address on the Contact Us page.

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28 March 2016 - Chiffchaff 25 February 2016 - Golden Plover 25 February 2016 - Pruning 02 February 2016 - Inspection 18 August 2015 - Cutting and pruning 30 April 2015 - Paths cut 30 April 2015 - English Partridges 24 March 2015 - Kestrels 03 October 2014 - Grass cutting 01 October 2014 - Pruning 01 October 2014 - Warren School visit 30 September 2014 25 August 2014 - Tea 31 July 2014 - Thinning 31 July 2014 - Delicious... 31 July 2014 - Big Cut 14 May 2014 - Swifts 14 May 2014 - Lush 01 May 2014 - Recent arrival 15 April 2014 - Swallows 13 April 2014 - High flying bird 31 March 2014 - Kestrels 24 March 2014 - Odd birds... 23 March 2014 - Chiffchaff 18 February 2014 - Barn Owl 08 January 2014 - Wet Ground 15 November 2013 - Picking the medlars. 19 October 2013 - Visit from The Grove Primary School, 20 September 2013 06 September 2013 - Meadow mowing 30 August 2013 - Hut Painting 02 July 2013 - Owl Box 05 June 2013 - English Partridges 27 May 2013 - Cutting 20 April 2013 - Visit from The Warren School 10 April 2013 - First cowslips 10 April 2013 - Spring pruning finished 03 April 2013 - Kestrel 15 March 2013 - Map 14 March 2013 - Radio Suffolk interview 14 March 2013 - Fruit Tree Pruning Course 9 March 2013 24 February 2013 - Hut door revisited 04 January 2013 - Hut Door Problems 26 November 2012 - Gale damage 13 October 2012 - Apple Day visit 02 October 2012 - Orchard features at Sustainable Bungay 29 September 2012 - Arts visit 24 September 2012 - School visit 08 September 2012 - Artist's visit 21 May 2012 - Barn owl 12 April 2012 - Owl news 09 December 2011 - Mulching -finished for the winter 03 December 2011 - Hedge trimming 02 December 2011 - Mulching, again 30 November 2011 - Mulching
Radio Suffolk interview
posted by CS on Thursday, 14 March 2013 19:57
On 13 March Radio Suffolk's breakfast show featured the work of Awards For All Local Foods, one of our funding organisations. As part of this feature, Mark Matthews interviewed me about our orchard, as St James Village Orchard is seen as a good example of what can be achieved in a small village with this type of support.
Apple, pear and cherry make excellent firewood.   (William Robinson)